Network of Community Activities is the Peak representative body for Out of School Hours Care in NSW & ACT.
Network provides information, advocacy, training and support for organisations and individuals working with communities offering services to school age children.
Specifically designed OOSH courses developed by OOSH specialists
Network of Community Activities is the Peak representative body for Out of School Hours Care in NSW & ACT.
Network provides information, advocacy, training and support for organisations and individuals working with communities offering services to school age children.
Specifically designed OOSH courses developed by OOSH specialists
At this critical time for the OOSH Sector, Network is looking to collate stories of OOSH Services across NSW and the ACT. We want to document the rich history of all OOSH providers, and capture a ‘snapshot’ of the OOSH Sector in 2022.
Please take the time to tell us about the history of your OOSH, and share it’s current story with us. We welcome all formats – written, video, photos, art, submissions from children, timelines etc.
We want to know who is who in the OOSH community in 2020 – sharing stories of:
– who you are;
– what you excel at;
– what is your entity type/how are you run?
– when did your OOSH start?
– why did your OOSH start?
– what influence has your OOSH had on children and your community?
and more.
Your work will be compiled with that of other OOSHs and used to create an anthology of OOSH history. Depending on the types of submissions, this may be available to download, in print, or to view online.
Your work will not only be used to document the history of this vibrant sector, but also as part of our advocacy to demonstrate to the NSW Government the great loss our Sector will suffer as a result of repeat poor policy choices.
OOSHs that contribute to and are included in this project will go into the draw to win huge prizes, including gift cards and vouchers for your service and tailored support from Network.