Network recommends vaccinations for OOSH Educators

Getting vaccinated is an important way educators can protect themselves and the children in OOSH services and their communities from COVID-19.

OOSHies: Book your Vaccines Now!

Network and the Department of Education strongly recommend that all OOSH Educators, support staff and volunteers entering an OOSH site be vaccinated as soon as possible. All OOSH staff in NSW will be required to be fully vaccinated by 8 November. 

OOSH Services will be prioritised for a vaccine from Monday 6 September on the 1B priority list.

OOSH staff in LGAs of concern will have had or be about to receive their first dose of a vaccine (this is compulsory from 6 September).

All other OOSH staff in NSW will be required to be fully vaccinated by 8 November. A Public Health Order on this matter will be issued in the near future, but we encourage you to book your vaccine appointments as soon as possible to avoid delays due to congestion in appointments.

Staff in regional NSW are encouraged to visit the eligibility checker and book their vaccination as soon as possible at a regional and rural vaccination clinic.

Book your priority vaccine here:

Book Your Vaccine

As at the time of publishing, for Educators looking to book a Pfizer vaccine in Olympic Park through a non-priority (normal) vaccination booking there is good availability over the next two weeks.

If still having issues please call the COVID-19 Vaccination Program hotline 1800 571 155 between 8am – 9.30pm, 7 days a week for assistance.

Services in ACT

Priority vaccination for EC employees (this includes OOSH!) working directly with children commences Monday 6 Sept until 19 Sept.

Vaccinations Claims Scheme

The Australian Government is developing a claims scheme to reimburse people who suffer a moderate to significant impact following an adverse reaction to an approved COVID-19 vaccine.

The COVID 19 Vaccine Claims Scheme registration page will go live on 6 September. For more information go here from Monday:

Learn More

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