Groundbreaking News! Literature Review Released for OOSH

Network welcomes the recent release of ‘More Than “Just Convenient Care”‘(27th October, 2021).  A landmark report for our sector.

This literature review is a first for the OOSH sector and contains important recommendations. Network supports all of the recommendations and looks forward to their implementation. The report  was commissioned by the NSW Government and prepared by Dr Jennifer Cartmel and Dr Bruce Hurst.

Please see the recommendations below:

The Literature Review included the following important recommendations:

  1. More research needs to be conducted in partnership with priority groups to better understand their engagement with OSHC.
  2. More research needs to be conducted in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families to better understand their engagement with OSHC.
  3. Greater awareness needs to be created about the educational and developmental benefits of OSHC.
  4. Research needs to be conducted into the educational and developmental benefits of OSHC.
  5. Explore ways to promote OSHC as a site of play and friendship to children.
  6. Support OSHC services to improve their approaches to working with older children.
  7. Review existing inclusion supports for mainstream OSHC services to build the capacity of services to care for children with high support needs.
  8. Explore possible benefits of providing transportation between specialist schools and mainstream OSHC.
  9. Explore increased provision of OSHC at specialist schools.
  10. Greater awareness needs to be created about the educational and developmental benefits of OSHC with school principals and management.
  11. Explore ways of supporting school principals to recognise the benefits of positive partnerships with OSHC coordinators and providers.
  12. Introduce the use of Professional Standards for OSHC educators.
  13. Review the qualification requirements for OSHC services to ensure that the workforce has the skills and knowledge to care for children with high support needs.


Congratulations to Dr Jennifer Cartmel and Dr Bruce Hurst for preparing this landmark report. We look forward to all of the recommendations being implemented.

Network will keep you posted about the next steps.



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