My Time Our, Place V2.0 Released

My Time Our, Place V2.0 Released

Snapshot of Changes

  • 3 new principles
    • Secure, respectful and reciprocal relationships
    • Partnerships
    • Respect for diversity
    • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives NEW
    • Equity, inclusion and high expectations RENAMED 
    • Sustainability NEW 
    • Critical reflection and ongoing professional learning RENAMED 
    • Collaborative leadership and teamwork NEW
  • 5 Outcomes remain the same
  • Practices changed including (not limited to):
    • “Evaluation for wellbeing and learning” CHANGED to “Assessment and evaluation for wellbeing, learning and development”
  • Content on Play and Leisure expanded NEW
  • Definition of Playwork Added NEW

To celebrate the great strides for playworkers and advocates for a children’s right to both play and leisure, download and display our 16 Play Types Poster! We have a range of play posters and other useful displays here.

Read the new My Time Our Place and supporting documents here.

Share your thoughts on the changes to My Time Our Place!

What are you most excited about? What would you like to see change at your service? Do you have any concerns about the changes? What resources do you need following the release of My Time Our Place v2.0? Let us know. Join the discussion on our Facebook here or email us on

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