Network 2022 AGM

The 2022 Network Annual General Meeting will be held on 28 April 2023. This will be an in person meeting and it would be great to see as many of our members as possible!

The Network AGM is a great opportunity to hear about our work throughout 2022 and have your say in the future management of the organisation. We hope that you will be able to join us.

Please support the organisation that supports you! More details to be announced soon.

Please register your attendance below or complete a Proxy Form.

Register Your Attendance 

Proxy Form


Want to deepen your involvement with Network? 

Join our team as a Volunteer Member of our Board of Directors

  • Help shape the future of Network
  • Take tangible action toward positive change for OOSH
  • You can use your expertise and skills to make a difference
  • You get a valuble seat at the table and play a important role strategising for the future
  • Build meaningful relationships with our member organisations
  • Your voice will have have an impact  and you will hear the impactful voices of other, too
  • Strengthen you professional credibility
  • It rewarding and a simple way that you can give back to the OOSH community

Expression Of Interest

Nomination Form

Showcase Outstanding Educators
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My Time Our, Place V2.0 Released
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