Categories and license agreements

Urgent Action Required: Protect the Future of your Parent-Run OOSH

Are you a parent-run OOSH operating in a Public School? This information is incredibly important to ensure your OOSH survives into the future.

In 2020 two parent-run OSHC Services closed as a result of the actions or inaction of the School Infrastructure, which sits within the NSW Department of Education.

In the past few weeks alone Network has identified three Services that are at risk of the same fate. Your urgent action is required to ensure your OOSH is not in the same situation.

Read on for more or click here to skip to ‘What do I Do?’.


If you are a parent-run OOSH on a public school site, you have a license agreement with the Department of Education. There are 3 Categories that determine key details of your rent arrangement with the Department – in particular, whether you go to tender and how much you pay. Click here for more information on Categories.

If you are a parent-managed Service you should be a ‘Category A’ Service. However, over the past 12 months Network and our members have uncovered a number of OOSH Services that have been incorrectly placed in Category B by School Infrastructure.

It is vital that you are categorised correctly – if not, your Service can be put out to tender. This will mean that your OOSH Service will have to compete with other providers (which may be larger, experienced in tender writing, and unfamiliar with the needs of your community) to continue to operate on your school site. 

For further details, please refer to our full communications here

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