Network’s NQF Review Response

Network recently developed and submitted our submission to the Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (CRIS) for the National Quality Framework.

Network would like to extend our sincere thanks to all the Network members who completed our survey and contributed to our NQF submission. Our submission will now inform government decision making on the NQF and how it relates to OOSH. This current review is intended to ensure the NQF is current, fit for purpose, and we know that OOSH is not seen as a distinct service type which can cause issues for our sector. This was loudly articulated in our submission.

Next Steps

Governments will now consider submissions to the CRIS and develop recommendations for agreement at the COAG Education Council. Network will keep you posted and updated on how this progresses.

Key areas covered in our response included:

  • Safety of children during transition – whose responsibility?
  • Transportation of children
  • Emergency & Evacuations
  • National Child Safe principals
  • Record keeping
  • Assessment & Rating of OOSH
  • Workforce
  • Fees
  • Governance requirements for services

Download the Network NQF Response here.

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