International Women’s Day Award Winners

6 Inspirational Women from our OOSH Community!

To celebrate International Women’s Day 2024 (and to create some women-inspired acknowledgements). We have put together a list of 6 inspirational women who currently work in our wonderful OOSH Community. They have been nominated by their peers who recognised their great work!

Every year on 8 March, the world celebrates International Women’s Day. This is a day to commemorate women’s achievements and raise awareness about women and their significant contributions.  It also gives Network a chance to highlight some of the incredible women who do amazing things in our sector.

Congratulations and huge thanks to each of the inspiring women below who give so much to our OOSH family!

We are thrilled to know you. Each will receive a certificate of appreciation for their individual work.

Nichole – Head of Fun Club

Nikki has worked tirelessly to make OOSH an amazing experience for children, families and staff throughout her career. Recently she has moved into managing all the OOSH services in our organisation to continue her vision in making OOSH amazing. She empowers those around her to do their best and leads our sector with pride.

Hayley – Director/Nominated Supervisor DEBASCA

Hayley has consistently demonstrated exceptional leadership skills over the last 17 years we have been working together. She tirelessly works and strives for the best for our community. Her ability to lead a large team of 30+ staff with empathy, integrity, compassion and generosity, astounds me every day. In every aspect of her life, Hayley embodies the qualities of a true leader and pioneer. Hayley truly represents the very best of what it means to uplift and empower others to be the best children’s advocates and champions.

Tehneka – After School Care Coordinator LOOSH

Tehneka has so much compassion, care and concern for all children enrolled in LOOSH. Tehneka always goes above and beyond for every child, knowing each child and family. Tehneka is always working her hours and beyond, to better improve LOOSH. Tehneka has built strong relationships with staff, they rely on her and she is able to support them professionally and as a peer. Tehneka is a leader, a friend, an educator, a team player, a coordinator, and a support network. Tehneka has created an atmosphere of fun and support but is always a professional leader. Critical reflection is huge for LOOSH, Tehneka is an integral aspect of that, continuously reflecting and making sure that the program is always improving.

Kim – Educational Leader Activity Centres

Kim continually goes above and beyond for the team she works with and is a positive role model for the young women she works with day in and day out. She has a positive aura that instantly makes people feel comfortable and is incredibly creative and imaginative in all areas.

Rachel – Nominated Supervisor Tuggerah OOSH

Rachel is not only an incredible leader, but she is also a full-time working mum of two, who sustains beautiful relationships with her staff and families at the centre, Rachel has also helped many Trainees complete their certificates and start their career in OOSH. Rachel is the chair of the OOSH Forum on the central coast and many look to her for guidance, connecting the central coast with OOSH services near them to help improve their centres. Rachel has sat down with other Nominated supervisors and helped them improve their policies and also has been a sounding board for those of us who may be struggling in the sector.

Erin – Assistant Director Wilberforce

Erin started in our sector as a trainee, and even though she has gone on to do further studies, her passion still lies within OOSH. Erin is not only amazing at building relationships with our families and children but is a great support to our director, and a whiz at, and actually likes doing risk assessments and medical risk minimisation forms. We are grateful to have Erin at our service every day.

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