New Laws for Employees

Right to Disconnect

We all know how important it is to switch off from work for your own personal well being and mental health.

New laws are being introduced in August to give employees the right to ‘switch off’ from work during their unpaid time!  It will still be reasonable to contact team members to fill empty shifts, which is important for service delivery and meeting staff/child ratios.

“But if you don’t respond because it’s not your paid time, you’ve got a guarantee that you can’t be disciplined for it.”

Put simply, it is a workplace condition protecting employees who choose to ignore unreasonable attempts by their Service Managers to contact them after hours.


Right to switch off!

Every employee has the right to rest, right to time off  and the right be paid for every hour of work.

And these laws will now protect you!

National Workforce Census
March 22, 2024

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