Destination: In Focus

Welcome to North West Sydney Regional network OOSH meeting! 


Connect and Share

It was uplifting to catch up with the dedicated and passionate OOSH professionals across North West Sydney yesterday! Over 245 years of combined experience of working in OOSH. That’s incredible! I left feeling optimistic about our future hearing how these OOSHies responded to the constant changes facing our sector. I strongly believe that connecting and sharing our stories creates a great sense of community and togetherness!

These are the long stayers of our OOSH community along with many others.


Building a Strong Voice Together

There was so much robust discussion, at times utter frustration, about the way our sector is marginalised… However, the good news stories were also in full flow, stories of inspiration about how OOSH adds so many benefits to the lives of children.

We need to be respected for this work!

Make sure you stay connected to your local OOSH community. There is no one like another OOSHie to understand your work! Our stories are inspirational, challenging and the collective knowledge helps solve the issues!

It certainly made my day and I hope the same goes for all the OOSHies who attended!

The North West OOSH group meets once a term. Future dates:

  • Thursday 6th June
  • Thursday 29th August
  • Thursday 21st November

Let us know if you would like Network to attend your regional network meeting.

Let Us Know

International Women's Day Award Winners
March 8, 2024
Software Survey
February 23, 2024

Latest News

July 1, 2024 -


The NSW Government will call Out of School Hours Care “OOSH.” . . Today, the New South Wales (NSW) Government has officially embraced the endearing term “OOSH,” a term deeply rooted in and widely cherished by our Out of School Hours (OOSH) community in NSW....
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June 27, 2024 -

Advocacy in Action

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June 21, 2024 - ,

June is Pride Month

June is Pride Month Network is dedicated to promoting Equality and Justice. We firmly stand in solidarity with and commemorate Pride month, acknowledging past victories, current challenges, and the continuous pursuit of fairness. We all play a part in building a more inclusive world. Please...
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