Showcase Outstanding Educators

Showcase Outstanding Educators

OOSH Educators: At the Heart of the Community
For 2023 OOSH Educators Day, Network is celebrating Educators for their outstanding work building community engagement. Building community engagement is about developing relationships, working together, promoting communication, sharing, co-operating and interacting with others. Network is looking to highlight Educators who have developed connections within the community that have enriched their service’s educational program.

Community can include:

  • Local school(s)
  • Clubs and organisations such as cultural, sporting, scouting, service clubs etc.
  • Churches
  • Local Councils and their services: libraries, community buildings, parks, playing fields etc.
  • Other Government agencies: RTA, transport services, SES, fire stations etc.
  • Community service support agencies: inclusion support, health centres etc.
  • Local artists, cultural groups, performers etc.
  • Local activity groups, such as dance groups, gymnastics, art classes, walking groups etc.
  • Local businesses
  • Other OOSH and child care services
  • Families and friends in and around the service
  • Your neighbourhood

Do you know an Educator working in OOSH that deserves special acknowledgement for their work engaging with the community? If so, please tell us about them! we would love to give a shout out to OOSH Educators who go above and beyond.

Tell us your story. Nominate an OOSH Educator for outstanding community engagement here.

OOSH Networks
May 19, 2023
March 28, 2023

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