Educational Leader Allowance

OOSH Services can confidently apply the Educational Leader Allowance on a pro-rata basis, following written advice from Fair Work. 

Our members may recall Network communicating the following when the determination was published:

Where a permanent employee is working on a part-time basis as Educational Leader (for example, where they stand-in as Educational Leader for an interim period) they will receive an estimated allowance of $15.47 daily for each day they work as Educational Leader.”

Network can confirm that this approach is correct. That is, when the Educational Leader is not a full-time employee the Educational Leader Allowance is payable as a daily rate, not as an hourly rate for hours worked.

Fair Work has confirmed this with the following advice:

“Clause 15.8(b) of the award states that ‘where an employee is required to act as educational leader for less than 5 days per week, the annual allowance prescribed by clause 15.8(a) will be payable on a pro rata basis calculated by reference to the number of days per week the employee is required to act as educational leader’.

This means that if an employee is an educational leader on one day, whether that be for 1 hour or 10 hours on that day, then the employee would be entitled to a pro-rata amount of $4022.05 based on one day (being 7.6 hours) which equates to $15.47 per day.”

We also once again confirm that the Educational Leader Allowance is not an “all purpose allowance”, meaning that it does not form part of the employee’s base rate of pay. 

The Educational Leader Allowance is an annual rate, therefore for full-time employees to be paid the full annual rate of $4022.05 they will be paid the Educational Leader Allowance during periods of leave. Further, part-time permanent employees will be paid the Educational Leader Allowance pro rated during periods of leave.

Network is deeply committed to ensuring that the OOSH Sector has timely and correct advice on HR and all other matters. Where our members have questions regarding the Educational Leader allowance we invite you to contact us via phone or email.

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