Network stands with our colleagues in the Early Learning Sector

Network of Community Activities stands with our colleagues in the Early Learning Sector striking today over pay and conditions for Educators.

“United Workers Union members are calling for the new Federal Government to urgently outline a plan and timeline to deliver on 3 key priorities:

  • Give us a reason to stay & pay us what we are worth,
  • Value early learning as part of the education system, just as important as schools, and
  • Put children before profit.”

Network of Community Activities endorses this sentiment in the Outside of School Hours (OOSH) Sector in NSW.

Educators are leaving the OOSH Sector in droves in response to burnout and underpayment, compounded by poor policy changes. After COVID-19, the NSW Department of Education’s policy change to put Not-For-Profit OOSHs to tender on public schools, the costly OOSH Voucher Scheme, and a lack of action on our workforce crisis has left the OOSH Sector at breaking point.

Today we call on the Minister and the Department of Education to take action for OOSH, and for Early Learning. Though our respective challenges require a tailored response, we are a sector united in our needs.

Read more here:

United Voice Media Release

Pay rises, not cupcakes

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