More than Just Convenient Care – We Need You!

Network of Community Activities is calling on the Out of School Hours Care Sector, and the community more broadly to promote the recommendations put forward in the 2021 Literature Review ‘More Than “Just Convenient Care”‘. To read more from Network about this report, click here.

This report makes a number of recommendations that are critical to the Out of School Hours Care (OOSH) Sector and the children and families who use OOSH Services.

Read ‘More Than “Just Convenient Care”‘

Network encourages everyone with an interest in Out of School Hours Care to read the literature review– particularly the recommendations on pages 21 and 22.

Contact the NSW Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning

Identify the recommendations that resonate with you, that you wish to see implemented, or that you feel require attention from Government.

 Write to the NSW Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning and:
– Share that you value the report and its recommendations;
– Explain that you want to see the recommendations implemented, and ask for a timeframe for action by the NSW Government.

Lend your voice to this cause, and help to foster opportunities for children to learn and play outside of the classroom.

Contact the Minister

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