National Minimum Wage Increase

Pay Rise for OOSH

National Minimum Wage Increase

The rise in wages announced on Monday 3rd June will impact Modern Award minimum wages across all classification levels, taking effect from the first full pay period starting on or after 1 July 2024.

Be prepared, the next steps involve:

  1. Review minimum pay rates, terms, and conditions for award-covered employees to implement necessary increases from the first full pay period in July.
  2. Ensure that wages for award-covered employees are sufficient to keep them better off compared to what they would receive under the award.
  3. Inform employees so they are in the know and just don’t hear information through media channels.

The Fair Work Commission is currently in the process of updating their website content, tools, and materials to reflect the new pay rates. These updates are scheduled to go live on 1 July 2024.
For now, you can visit to access your current award rates using the PACT calculator. You can also estimate the upcoming increases by adding 3.75% and consider your responsibilities as an employer during this transition period.

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