Membership Renewal 2024

Membership Renewal 2024 is coming soon!

First and foremost , we want to thank-you for your continued support.  Without your loyalty and support, we would not be able to continuously provide our members with valuable benefits and actively advocate on behalf of our OOSH community. When you are a member of Network, you become part of a collective voice actively working to improve outcomes for our OOSH community. This collective voice also raises the profile of the sector and helps ensure we get the recognition, resourcing, and respect we deserve. Put simply, you make what we do possible.

Network turns 50 next year and to mark the momentous occasion, we are already planning an entire year of celebrations with over 50 iconic events, experiences for our members.

Being a Network Member has many  benefits and gives you access to:

  • 2024 Wall Planner
  • Network Member Sticker
  • 2024 OOSH Diary
  • Unique access to our member portal full of tools, information and resources to help your organisation
  • Member discounts and special offers including Professional Learning opportunities, The Network OOSH Conference, Jobs Board
  • Engage in advocacy on issues that affect your service
  • Contribute to submissions, policy positions
  • Conference scholarships
  • Special OOSH Educators Day Resources
  • Dedicated support hotline with access to Out of School Hour specialist
  • Weekly e-newsletter
  • Being a part of the collective voice that raises the profile of the OOSH sector
Network is turning 50!
October 31, 2023
Going Digital
October 17, 2023

Latest News

July 1, 2024 -


The NSW Government will call Out of School Hours Care “OOSH.” . . Today, the New South Wales (NSW) Government has officially embraced the endearing term “OOSH,” a term deeply rooted in and widely cherished by our Out of School Hours (OOSH) community in NSW....
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June 27, 2024 -

Advocacy in Action

Network’s advocacy comes in various forms, some of which may not be immediately noticeable or visible to the naked eye. It can manifest through subtle actions, behind-the-scenes efforts, or quiet support that might not draw attention but still makes a significant impact. Frequently, we participate in...
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June 21, 2024 - ,

June is Pride Month

June is Pride Month Network is dedicated to promoting Equality and Justice. We firmly stand in solidarity with and commemorate Pride month, acknowledging past victories, current challenges, and the continuous pursuit of fairness. We all play a part in building a more inclusive world. Please...
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