PARS Playwork Practice 2

PARS Playwork Practice

Network is excited to be able to offer this course to OOSH Educators in term four.

PARS training is now taking off all over the world and OOSH Educators who undertake this training will be part of a worldwide movement! Having this qualification will help your service during A&R by giving Educators a theory to underpin their daily practice and a way of working with children in a child directed way.

Be part of the first community of PARS qualified practitioners in NSW.

You must be able to commit to: 6 X 2 hour virtual sessions every Wednesday evening 7:00pm – 9:00pm AEDST starting in Term 4
First session Wednesday – 12th October, 2022 There are no prerequisites.

The cost for all six sessions, materials & assessment will be $550 for Network members. This includes one-on-one support if needed and assignment assistance.

Course Outline

Session 1: Understanding PARS Playwork
Session 2: PARS Philosophy
Session 3: PARS Theories
Session 4: PARS Environment Modification
Session 5: PARS Techniques
Session 6: PARS Reflective Practice

(approximately 25 hours including assignments and workbook tasks)

The cost includes six sessions, materials, assessment and one-on-one support and assignment assistance if needed.
$500 + GST for Network members.
$950 + GST for non members.

Be part of the first community of PARS qualified practitioners in NSW.

Download Flyer

Enrol Now


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