Fly a Kit

Fly a Kite for Judy and Educators Everywhere this OOSH Educators Day

Let’s make it the biggest kite flying event ever!


Fly a Kite for Judy invites OOSHies and children to come together and fly a kite – sending a message to the world that ‘Out of School Hour Educators are at the heart of the community’ and it’s time to treat them with the professional recognition they deserve!


About Judy

Judy Finlason who dedicated much of her life to Network and was a significant advocate for OOSH and children in their time out of school. Judy loved making and flying kites with children.

Judy’s gift of  bringing together people, communities and stakeholders for the benefit of children goes above and beyond most people’s lifetime achievements. Judy was always championing children and the Educators who worked with them in their time out of school. She contributed to articles, was a loud voice for OOSH and children, spoke at conferences and was at the start of Network, Reverse Garbage, the Magic Yellow bus and many other great organisations. We therefore thought it appropriate this Educators Day to fly a Kite in her honour.


Make and fly a KITE

So this OOSH Educators Day joins children to make a kite to celebrate in her work as we all continue to benefit from her legacy of determination and perseverance.

Let’s fly a kite together to remember her legacy! Let’s together  feel the strings feel between our fingers the strings that connect us together to celebrate OOSH Educators everywhere and the significant work they do with children everywhere.

Please send us your images and short videos of children and Educators flying kites.

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