Act Now to Save Parent-Managed OOSH Services in NSW

NSW Government puts parent-managed Out of School Hours Care services at risk of closure.

The NSW Department of Education has announced a policy change that will devastate the OOSH Sector in NSW.
Providers of all types and locations – not just parent-managed Services and OOSHs in public schools – should be deeply concerned about the ongoing impact of the policy change on the OOSH Sector in NSW. By putting parent-managed and NFP OOSHs to tender, the Department of Education is opening the door and rolling out the red carpet for a small group of large corporate providers that can afford to win tenders. This is not about not-for-profit versus private providers – this is a fight for quality and organisations that care about children.

Click here for further information.

What can our OOSH Service do to stop this change?

For continued updates and resources on how to Save OOSH, see

Services can help Network oppose this change in policy by contacting the NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet here and Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning Sarah Mitchell here, making it clear that you support parent-managed OOSH Services and that you want them to reverse the change of policy. Parents at your Service also deserve to have their voices heard and you can ask them to contact the Premier and Minister in support of Network’s position.

We have created a public petition at where you can quickly make your opposition to this change clear – we encourage you to sign and share the link with parents at your Service and on social media.

Sign The Petition

Be a part of the movement to Save the OOSH Sector from the devastating policy shift by the NSW Government. Don’t miss out on important updates and resources to Save the NSW OOSH Sector.  Click here to join our mailing list.

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