Network of Community Activities is the Peak representative body for Out of School Hours Care in NSW & ACT.
Network provides information, advocacy, training and support for organisations and individuals working with communities offering services to school age children.
Network of Community Activities is the Peak representative body for Out of School Hours Care in NSW & ACT.
Network provides information, advocacy, training and support for organisations and individuals working with communities offering services to school age children.
Complying with The Education & Care National Laws and Regulations is often seen as an increasing burden, one that takes up precious time and money.
It’s essential for all OOSH services to make this a priority. Serious incidents may not be commonplace in OOSH but, when they do happen, they can have a devastating effect. You may have to respond to legal compliance notices, spend considerable time being investigated.
Are you up to speed with the latest changes to The Education & Care National Laws and Regulations legislation? Professional Learning is one of the ways that organisations can keep on top of your legal and regulatory requirements and the understanding of what the law requires.
As part of the course you will receive an updated version of Networks Regulation Revealed tool kit- a checklist designed to assist OOSH services meet some of the essential components of National Regulation & Laws. Don’t get caught out – Book today!
Date: Wednesday 7 August
Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm
Location: Webinar
Members: $120+ GST
Non-Members: $250 + GST