Network of Community Activities is the Peak representative body for Out of School Hours Care in NSW & ACT.
Network provides information, advocacy, training and support for organisations and individuals working with communities offering services to school age children.
Network of Community Activities is the Peak representative body for Out of School Hours Care in NSW & ACT.
Network provides information, advocacy, training and support for organisations and individuals working with communities offering services to school age children.
Raising Concerns with Families Educator Workshop
Date: Tuesday 9th April
Time: 10:00am – 11:30am
Location: Online
Members: $120 + GST
Non-Members: $250 + GST
Raising significant concerns with a family about a child in an OOSH setting requires planning and sensitivity, as it can often challenge a parent’s perception of their child or their hopes, dreams, and aspirations.
This workshop will outline helpful strategies to reaching a successful outcome and includes the HOW, WHEN and the WHERE to raising these concerns, from the time concerns are first identified, through to building a positive on – going partnership with families. The workshop will also outline the planning required to have a potentially difficult conversation, managing emotions, working through resistance, and understanding cultural perspectives. These skills can be used by Educators in a variety of situations not exclusive to raising concerns, but also in interactions with colleagues, external professionals or in their personal life.