In accordance with the Network of Community Activities Company limited by Guarantee Limited Constitution, Network warmly invites our members to our AGM.
It will be held in person and virtually for our regional and remote members.
If you are a service located near Sydney we would dearly appreciate it if you could attend in person. RSVP’s are essential.
10:30am – 12:00pm
Friday, 5th April 2024
University of Technology Sydney
Room: CB10.07.102, Building 10, Level 7, 235 Jones Street, Ultimo 2007
Your chance to hear from our elected Board members
The Network AGM is a great opportunity to hear from our elected Board members about our work throughout 2023 and have your say in the future management of the organisation.
We do hope that you will be able to join us. Please support the organisation that supports you!
Network is the only PEAK and key representative, non-government organisation who is a strong and important voice for our sector.
We do this by:
Here’s what you can expect during this year’s AGM:
Unable to attend? Nominate a proxy to represent you at the AGM.
Join Us Virtually
There is also the potential opportunity for our rural members to join us virtually – please let us know if this interests you so we can arrange this.
Some of our current Directors will be standing down at the AGM, and members are asked to put forward nominations to be Network Board Director. There are so many benefits that passionate OOSH professionals can expect to gain from joining our board.
You can make an impact, get involved in Network and learn unbeatable leadership skills, including shaping the future direction of the organisation.
Sitting on a board gives you such a broad range of skills and experience. You will find yourself contributing to key issues and making a significant difference to our OOSH community.
Want to know more about being a Network Board member contact Network?
All Directors are appointed by members of Network as representatives to lead and govern the organisation.
NOMINATIONS ARE DUE – 5:00pm Friday 22 March, 2024