Neil Milton

Neil Milton

The Table Talk Project.

Prior to his role as General Manager at ChildSafe Australia, Neil has worked and volunteered in the NFP sector for over 25 years across large (World Vision Australia), medium (ChildSafe Australia) and small/volunteer (Healesville Interchurch Council, Healesville Junior Football Club) organisations.

He is also a Social Entrepreneur and Founder of The Table Talk Project a social Enterprise supporting families to have conversations.

Neil’s work has involved leading organisations and teams of staff and volunteers well. Neil has worked under bad leaders, including experiencing bullying in the workplace.

His experience over many years has helped him to see how to lead successfully where staff and volunteers don’t feel like a number but like people.

Vulnerability and Empathy: Two Super Hero Powers Every Leader Needs

Imagine a workplace where vulnerability is not only accepted but welcomed as part of the culture. That people feel like they can leave their masks off when they come to work. Imagine a workplace where your staff don’t feel like a number and they know that their leader(s) appreciate them for who they are, not just what they do.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How vulnerability and empathy from leadership empowers your staff to see the workplace as so much more than a place to work
  • Why it is so important as a leader to let down your mask if you want to build a culture where people have a voice
  • How to make sure your staff don’t feel like a number
  • How to build a team of people real, honest and open – it starts with you
  • How vulnerability and empathy combine to create the superpowers you need to lead your team

** Content warning – mentions suicide, mental health **