Network of Community Activities is the Peak representative body for Out of School Hours Care in NSW & ACT.
Network provides information, advocacy, training and support for organisations and individuals working with communities offering services to school age children.
Network of Community Activities is the Peak representative body for Out of School Hours Care in NSW & ACT.
Network provides information, advocacy, training and support for organisations and individuals working with communities offering services to school age children.
We are thrilled to share that Angus Gorrie from the Outsiders will be joining us once more for an engaging presentation. This time, he will delve into the topic of Playwork practice as referenced in My Time Our Place.
Angus will explore the reasons behind and the methods through which this approach offers significant advantages to children and OOSH Educators’ pedagogical approaches. Seeking OOSH inspiration? This presentation is not to be missed.
The concepts surrounding Playwork are often infectious, inspirational and hugely motivating to practitioners in the OOSH sector. Yet why do so many struggle to pull it off and experience the benefits?
This session will unpack the presenter’s first hand experience of being enamoured by Playwork as a concept, and the barriers, hurdles and perceptions that he faced in delivering these concepts practically in first one, then many play settings. Despite the efforts in reframing what might be seen perceptively as “unintentional”, the rewards are huge and worth striving for.
As a playworker and play advocate, Angus Gorrie is passionate about providing authentic play opportunities for children, wherever they may be, and pushing back against increased play deprivation and play bias. He has 16 years OOSHC experience working as a manager at Camp Hill OSHC in a Playwork inspired way, and in addition has worked in many other OSHCs, Schools and early learning settings to improve both practice and physical space. Angus is now a full time consultant assisting others overcome barriers and provide the best play spaces for children. Angus has qualifications in Behavioural Science, Psychology, Playwork and is currently working towards a Masters of Medical Research investigating Playwork within Australian OSHC settings. It is this experience and the stories that come with working in a practical setting, combined with the theory and knowledge of study that shapes and guides Angus’s perspectives and points of view.